ThetaHealing Seminars

Three Days to Change your Life

ThetaHealing has helped millions change lives in ways they never thought possible. You too can learn the tools to develop more…


meaningful relationships


financial stability


health and wellbeing


purpose and contribution

Take this quiz to find out if the ThetaHealing 3-day workshop is right for you.

Do you ever feel that no matter how hard you work there is something inside holding you back?


I've been meditating for years, but my mind still feels scattered.


Talk therapy has helped, but I still feel confused about the future.


I have books on everything, but I'm not sure it's working in practice.


I start strong in the beginning, but always to lose interest over time.

ThetaHealing has helped millions worldwide clear some of the toughest obstacles life has to offer…


Limiting mindsets and personal beliefs


Fears, phobias, and obsessions


Chronic physical and emotional pain


Self-sabotage and distruptive behaviors


Cultural and social programming


Epigenetic/DNA distortions

Get closer to the life goals that matter the most…


Physical and emotional health


Financial stability and growth


Love, friendship, and family


Career and creative expression


Social and community contribution


Spiritual meaning and evolution


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Jhon Smith, CEO @ Labib Digital Studio

Duis tristique pretium nunc, eget imperdiet tortor auctor et. Mauris porttitor mollis metus at sollicitudin. Etiam id bibendum ipsum. Proin molestie, velit eget euismod rhoncus.

Jhon Smith, CEO @ Labib Digital Studio

Fusce in sapien sit amet lectus iaculis porttitor ac at magna. Proin at lectus tincidunt ante dapibus rhoncus. Maecenas eget ornare ipsum. Sed quis consequat lorem.

Thomson Polan, CEO @ Caramal Digital Studio

How it works

Take the quiz. Reserve your spot. Spend three days to change a lifetime.


Take the quiz.

We've got a quick quiz to make sure ThetaHealing is right for you.


Register online

Classes are small so register early to save your spot.


Join us for class

We look forward to meeting you and hearing your story.


Practice. Practice.

As with all, the more you practice the better you get.

Meet Julie. Your ThetaHealing guide.

Certified ThetaHealing Guide

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“It was a joy to connect with Julie and her intuitive healing powers, I have a sense of freedom, openness, and light that I have never experienced in my life before, our work was enlightening and deeply clearing.” Erin Petson

London, UK

“My session with Julie has catapulted my energy of excitement to show up & live with purpose. Her amazing gifts helped unlock two deep core beliefs that have overshadowed my life and kept me in self-sabatoge. Her Theta work shifted these patterns from deep within & now I am feeling a genuine joy & a feeling of expansive lightness! I am sooooo grateful for this experience & feel blessed to have this healing!”

Georgia Hansen

Chicago, IL

Get Started Today

Three great ways to work with Julie