ThetaHealing Seminars

Three Days to Change your Life

ThetaHealing has helped millions change lives in ways they never thought possible. Take this free assessment quiz to find out if a three-day ThetaHealing Seminar is right for you.

Most of us want change but feel that something is holding us back.

Research shows that mindset may be the greatest differentiator between success and frustration.​

ThetaHealing has helped millions worldwide clear some of the toughest obstacles life has to offer…


Limiting mindsets and personal beliefs


Fears, phobias, and obsessions


Chronic physical and emotional pain


Self-sabotage and distruptive behaviors


Cultural and social programming


Epigenetic/DNA distortions

Get closer to the life goals that matter the most…


Physical and emotional health


Financial stability and growth


Love, friendship, and family


Career and creative expression


Social and community contribution


Spiritual meaning and evolution

And make space for dreams many thought impossible.

“I really wasn’t sure what I thought about Theta Healing, and it has been nothing short of transformational.”


“I really wasn’t sure what I thought about Theta Healing, and it has been nothing short of transformational. To be able to test yourself and see first hand how certain core beliefs, ones I didn’t even know I had, are effecting my life…and to clear those beliefs, has been an incredible experience.”

Moniqua Plante. Los Angeles, CA

“I have a sense of freedom, openness, and light that I have never experienced in my life before.”


“It was a joy to connect with Julie and her intuitive healing powers, I have a sense of freedom, openness, and light that I have never experienced in my life before, our work was enlightening and deeply clearing.”

Erin Petson. London, UK

“Now feel so clear about where I am headed and nothing is holding me back or weighing me down on the way.”


“Before working with Julie, I was really unsettled about limiting beliefs that were coming up for me as my business started to grow rapidly. Julie was amazing at guiding me to what was limiting me that I was not aware of and helping me clear it immediately.

In the past 2 weeks I’ve already doubled my income and now feel so clear about where I am headed and nothing is holding me back or weighing me down on the way.

Thank you Julie for your guided support and theta healing to allow for Quantum Leaps in all areas of my life.”

Maribel Jimenez. Boulder, CO

“Now I am feeling a genuine joy & a feeling of expansive lightness! I am sooooo grateful for this experience and feel blessed.”


“My session with Julie has catapulted my energy of excitement to show up & live with purpose. Her amazing gifts helped unlock two deep core beliefs that have overshadowed my life and kept me in self-sabatoge.

Her Theta work shifted these patterns from deep within & now I am feeling a genuine joy & a feeling of expansive lightness! I am sooooo grateful for this experience & feel blessed to have this healing!

Georgia Hansen. Chicago, IL

Three Days to change your life.

In a three-day seminar, you will learn the tools to start working right away.

Day One

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Day Two

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Day Three

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More beautiful transformations.

Find out more about private sessions and retreats.

Julie’s class left me feeling like I will never see the world or people the same way ever again. I am amazed at how powerful we are as 3rd dimensional beings and how much we are transitioning.

This class has given me the view into my place in this process and how I can help others to find theirs. I am forever grateful!

Tamara Doan

What a life changing experience taking this class had been. I really had no idea what I was about to embark on. I have been doing healing work as a Reiki Master for years and really have been searching for more information as a healer. Clearly, Thetahealing is it!

My eyes have opened and I truly have expanded into a new state of awareness. I look forward to advanced classes and meeting more people doing this work.

Jane Janene Felton

Before working with Julie, I was really unsettled about limiting beliefs that were coming up for me as my business started to grow rapidly. Julie was amazing at guiding me to what was limiting me that I was not aware of and helping me clear it immediately.

In the past 2 weeks I’ve already doubled my income and now feel so clear about where I am headed and nothing is holding me back or weighing me down on the way.

Thank you Julie for your guided support and theta healing to allow for Quantum Leaps in all areas of my life.

– Maribel Jimenez, Dream Launch Mentor


I feel blessed to have met Julie through … it feels like connecting with an old friend or sister when we talk. So easy, so comfortable to just be me.

We worked on releasing a lot in one session (around grief, sadness, worthiness and visibility issues) – I was really surprised how much ground we covered in a very easeful way. After our call while making lunch, I felt some extra sadness and weight just leaving my heart.

Julie is gentle, intuitive and very generous. I highly recommend her core healing sessions – they do just that – go straight to the core.

Jana Carrey

I feel blessed to have met Julie through … it feels like connecting with an old friend or sister when we talk. So easy, so comfortable to just be me.

We worked on releasing a lot in one session (around grief, sadness, worthiness and visibility issues) – I was really surprised how much ground we covered in a very easeful way. After our call while making lunch, I felt some extra sadness and weight just leaving my heart.

Julie is gentle, intuitive and very generous. I highly recommend her core healing sessions – they do just that – go straight to the core.

Jana Carrey

Meet your guide.

Julie McAfee

Certified ThetaHealing Instructor

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More about Julie

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ThetaHealing Seminar

Three Days to Change your Life


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