Ancestral Clearing™ Practitioner and
Chronic Pain Specialist

Awakening Your Inner Power to Heal

A Next Right Step on the Path to Freedom

Ancestral Clearing™ Practitioner

A transformative practice to remove barriers stemming from your past and your lineage.

Chronic Pain Management

Guiding you along the path to finally release the grip of chronic pain.

Frequently Asked Questions

Ancestral Clearing™

Ancestral Clearing™ heals remnants of past and ancestral trauma that can influence your life in negative ways. It helps differentiate your own true voice from the many voices in and around you, make space to feel into and live your own ideas, your own dreams, your own heart, and ultimately experience the essence of who you truly are.

What is Ancestral Clearing?
We come into this life with ancestral markings that include those of unresolved issues from the past, like traumas from emotional heart ache, abandonment, and tragedies experienced through war and famine. Ancestral Clearing helps us clear these burdens. This modality helps to heal the unhealthy patterns from your past and your family lineage.
What is an Ancestral Clearing session?
An Ancestral Clearing session can be done in person, over the telephone, or online either in a one-to-one session with a Practitioner or in a group setting. Distance is not a limiting factor in this modality.
What are some of the benefits to experiencing Ancestral Clearing?

What are some of the benefits of experiencing Ancestral Clearing?

Ancestral Clearing helps:

  • heal unresolved issues in your family lineage and in your past in this lifetime
  • you feel comfortable in your body
  • eliminate self-sabotage
  • you trust your inner guidance
  • empowers you to express your true voice
  • resolves relationship issues
Is one Ancestral Clearing session enough?

After just one session of Ancestral Clearing, most clients report experiencing major relief in their area of primary concern. Because this work addresses the entire spectrum of negative content and burdens from a participant’s life and ancestral lineage, other results may inevitably appear – some immediately, while others continue to unfold over time. General “maintenance” sessions are recommended for most people since there may be deeper “layers” that need to be addressed. Also, most of us experience an accumulation of debris as we move through our daily life. These maintenance sessions may create resilience to future issues before they surface.

Frequently Asked Questions

Chronic Pain Management

The 2nd Sutra of the Aquarian Age states: “There is a way through every block.” Here are the answers to a few frequently asked questions. If you have any other questions, please feel free to message or email me. Please do not let an unasked question be a block for you on your healing journey.

What is chronic pain?
Chronic pain is any pain – physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, financial, it’s all the same to the brain sending the signal “It hurts” – that is felt for 15 days out of 30 for three months or more.
What is chronic pain management?
In chronic pain management we look at ways to help chronic pain sufferers to release the grip that chronic pain has on them. These are transformational and healing tools that have been used successfully by me and many others to learn to live a live free from suffering.
Will I ever heal from my chronic pain?
Doctors have told me I will be in pain for the rest of my life and that I will have to learn to live with it. Will I ever heal from my chronic pain?

Chronic pain changes the brain. To heal chronic pain we need to bring modalities that heal those changes. These are the tools I use in my Pain Management work.

Chronic pain is not a life sentence.

Are you longing to find the innate healing potential that lives within you?
I went on a long journey in search of the answer to this question. I discovered healing potential that I had suspected was there but, for a long time, felt just out of my reach.

Finally, I was able to shift my perspective and my approach to affect my healing, and as a result was liberated from over 50 years of chronic pain.

My mission is to pass on the hard-earned lessons I learned.

I will pass on to you the things that worked for me and point you to the power you have within to heal yourself.

About Me

I specialize in helping people heal from chronic pain and offering workshops and individual sessions around the world.

I am a health facilitator, Ancestral Clearing™ Coach, yoga teacher, author, and chronic pain management expert who has been continuously sober since 2013 from opiates, benzodiazepines, and nicotine.

I hold a Bachelor of Science degree and I am a Yoga-Informed Recovery Coach (Recovery 2.0), Kundalini Yoga Teacher (IKYTA/Yoga Alliance), and Ancestral Clearing Practitioner.


I experienced 59 years of chronic pain and 32 years of addiction to prescribed opiates and benzodiazepines. The only answer the doctors had for my chronic pain was medication. My pain was not addressed by this strategy. In fact, it was exacerbated by it. I became hypervigilant, suffered from hyperalgesia and frequent debilitating panic attacks. My health suffered greatly because this approach led to:

  1. my pain getting worse and worse;
  2. a compromised ability to breathe and digest food, so I was not able to take in nourishment; I was dying inch by inch, cell by cell.
  3. depression and hopelessness.

I finally found a doctor who understood the nature of the underlying causes of chronic pain. He taught me how to find my way through, without medication. I healed and live a thriving life. You can, too.

I found peace and vitality. I never want anyone to go through what I experienced ever again. I am here to share the tools I learned to heal from chronic pain – without pharmaceuticals. I would like to help you experience this transformation in your life – and my methods are based on my direct experience.


“Elizabeth Kipp is intuitive, empathic and holds a safe, compassionate space to release old wounds, not just from me but from ancestral routes. I experienced a profound phone session from her and came away feeling a tremendous relief of pressure off my shoulders. Having been a healer for most of my life and going to a multitude of practitioners myself, I can tell you in no uncertain terms that Elizabeth Kipp is the real deal and I highly recommend her to anyone.”

Ari Gronich

The Performance Therapist, Achieve Health, USA

“Elizabeth has the experience of walking the journey and shares freely the wisdom she has earned along the way. She has overcome chronic pain, she has done the hard work, and she has so much practical knowledge to share. Her heart is full of love and you will be glad you entered its embrace. It will inspire you every time.”

Kate Furnish

PT, MPT, Sedona, Arizona

“Elizabeth holds space in the most loving way. I am deeply grateful for how she has helped me. I highly recommend Elizabeth to anyone.”

Charan Surdhar

Epigeneticist, Birmingham, England

Elizabeth’s Blog

Ancestral Clearing™ Coach

Learn the fundamentals of Ancestral Clearing and the positive impact it may have for you.

Become “Forgiveness Ready”

Discover the unlimited power of forgiveness to resolve the past and free the future.

Discover the “Gift of Freedom”

Forgiveness is the “Gift of Freedom” available to all willing to unwrap the box.

Make an appointment today.
A next right step on the journey toward freedom and self-determination.